Mission Statement

The purpose of the School of Natural Resources Graduate Student Association (SNRGSA) shall be to serve as a representative body for the graduate students in the School of Natural Resources to promote a closer relationship within the graduate student community, to serve as a channel of communication between graduate students, faculty, and staff, and to foster professional development.

Membership: All current graduate students in the School of Natural Resources are automatically members of SNR GSA. Please contact the SNR GSA Chair if you are interested in an officer position!

Monthly Meetings

Monthly meetings are announced one week ahead of time. Keep your eyes open for an e-mail from "snrgsa@unl.edu" with date and time.

Contact Us



Crane Viewing at Sunset

Officers (2023-2024)

Chair: Katie Campbell (kcampbell26@huskers.unl.edu)

Co-chair: Kate Glause (kglause4@huskers.unl.edu)

Secretary: Shetu Akter(sakter2@unl.edu)

Treasurer: Catherine Chan (cchan5@huskers.unl.edu)


Appointed Positions

Social Coordinator: Yvon Ukwishaka (yvon.ukwishaka@huskers.unl.edu)

Outreach Coordinator: Sara Brock-Contreras (sbrock2@huskers.unl.edu)

Fundraiser Coordinator: Caily Schwartz (cschwartz8@huskers.unl.edu)

Seminar Coordinator: Uchechukwu Ogbenna (uogbenna2@huskers.unl.edu)



UNL GSA Representative: Jerome Onoja Okojokwu-Idu (jokojokwu-idu2@huskers.unl.edu)

SNR Graduate Student Committee Representative: Hasnat Aslam (haslam2@huskers.unl.edu)

SNR Faculty Advisory Committee Representative: Sophia Becker (sbecker14@huskers.unl.edu)

Diversity & Inclusion: 
Katherine Graham (katherine.graham@huskers.unl.edu)

Safety & Facilities: Noah Berkowitz (nberkowitz3@huskers.unl.edu)

Social Committee: Yvon Ukwishaka (yvon.ukwishaka@huskers.unl.edu)

Wellness Committee: Noah Berkowitz (nberkowitz3@huskers.unl.edu)