Save money! You may be eligible to register part-time (reduced fees) and get full-time status approved (to keep your stipend). See this page for details and to register. A breakdown of fees can be found here under "Program and Facilities Fees", as well as an opt-out for Fund A (an additional ~$20). Note--if you register part-time, and you need to use the health center on campus, you will be required to pay $144.28 facility fee (current as of 2014).
The Student Money Management Center may also be able to help you keep track of your finances!

PhD students having achieved candidacy are welcome to attend and participate in Faculty Meetings as non-voting members
The Office of Graduate Studies has the most up-to-date information for current graduate students regarding program requirements and other information.
Increase your impact factor by depositing your publications in the UNL DigitalCommons. Contact Jacki Loomis or Lisa Greif at Nebraska Maps & More for more information about DigitalCommons.
Be sure to check out the University-wide GSA! It is housed within the student government, ASUN, and tackles issues relevant to all graduate students. UNL GSA only makes progress with input and help from students like you!
School of Natural Resources Librarian:
Student Health insurance
Most graduate students are likely to be on the University health insurance plan provided by United Healthcare. To waive your enrollment, you must go to the website by the 14th day after classes begin or after employment begins.